Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tuesday: Cookson Hills Christian Children's Ministry

Really, no words can adequately describe our day. So amazing. So affirming. A divine appointment, "God drops" as Pastor Susan frequently says. Whatever it is, it is happening.

It began with this morning with my friend Paul Weece encouraging us to make a toast for change in our lives during this time. One by one our students held up glasses of sparkling grape juice and made declarations/toasts in front of us all.

We then traveled to the middle of nowhere, Kansas, Oklahoma where we set up and practiced until 5 pm when we had dinner. At 6:15 pm our students sang and performed so amazingly! They were dynamic.

A few months ago our Director of High School ministries threw in the idea to do a drama as part of our tour. And so 5 of our students acted out this drama that was so touching and so amazing.

The fun part was later on when we were getting a tour of Cookson Hills when one of the directors mentioned that the drama was EXACTLY what the four girls in her house needed to hear. it was them to a T.

Paul Weibe, our sound man and resident fireman/emt looked into the crowd and saw a girl watching the drama with a tear streaming down her cheek.

College Freshman Tyler Ray mentioned that this tour, mind you we've only had one concert, he said that this tour is different than any of the ones he has gone on since he was in 7th grade.

Our students looked into the faces of these kids and families here while they performed and saw students connecting.

What a wonderful and amazing time to be a part of First Church Student Ministries..


Thank you. Thank you very much.


shelley said...

Hey Guys!

I am so excited by the ways the Lord is working in your midst. It is obvious that the Spirit is with you. I will continue praying that He touches your lives in ways you never imagined as you go into the world to spread His love!!

Anonymous said...

hey even though i wasn't there i know that u guys did a great job singing and don't forget to tell Kaylee Happy Birthday tomorrow well i'll see ya in July

Anonymous said...

May "God Drops" flow like Kansas rain in May. I am so very proud of all of you. Don't be too rough on Dr. Mike; remember he is an old guy. Pastor Susan

Anonymous said...

What a great experience! We are so proud of all of you - you are representing us well! We will keep praying for you!

Mom Johnson said...

Hey Friends: We at Cookson Hills were so blessed by your presence. Thank you for sharing with us. The songs were beautifully done and were each a blessing to someone in a unique way. The drama was a beautiful and accurate depiction of how some of the kids come to us at Cookson Hills, layers and layers of masks to remove and heal from, wow. I know God picked that drama for us, to remind us He is the ultimate healer and perfector of our faith! We wanted to express our gratitude for your time and efforts you put in to your practices and the time it took to come see us in the middle of nowhere! You blessed us all. Keep doing God's mission on this wonderful trip, love each other big, and may many others see Jesus in your eyes as you minster to them like you did to us here at Cookson Hills. We never have found Levi's shoes, sorry! But we do have a a DVD to send you of the pictures Rod took of your concert while you were here, we will send it to Lisa at home for you to get when you return. Gods richest blessings to you as you continue on your journey of the best ever TOUR, you'll never forget it. Momma Johnson

Mom Johnson said...

Hi guys! This is Amanda and DeeDee! We really enjoyed your singing. You have a lot of talent!! I hope that God blesses you for showing us how great He is! AMANDA

We thank you for coming down and expressing your joy for God and we hope that God will work thru you so that we will have more Christians!! DEE DEE

Mom Johnson said...

This is Aaron! Oh man, that was cool, I liked the little skit! The little masks were very accurate, like the person who is funny all the time, when they take off their masks, they are really all depressed and suicidal. Thanks guys!

Mom Johnson said...

Hi! This is Chris! That concert was awesome! I liked the music best. The skit was pretty cool. I thought it was based on for real things, like the tough girl, who went back to her ways, that is like life, she thought about doing wrong again, but she didn't cause Jesus helped her. Cool!

Mom Johnson said...

This is Josh! I liked the singing parts! The skit was nice. Thanks for coming to Cookson!

Mom Johnson said...

Hi! This is Kyler. I just thought that the message was really great and I loved the skit and how it depicted Jesus. It was good to see my friend Cody again!