Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Guest Blogger: Kaylee D.

So tour is great this year. I'd like to say that it's the best, but I don't belive that would be quite fair because tour is just different.
I love what we've done so far and I cannot wait to get down to Mississippi and find out what we're going to do down there.
Also, having such a small group of students, I believe, helps our ministry a great deal.
I've had a wonderful time with everyone, and the experiences I've had are amazing.


shelley said...

You ROCK!!

Anonymous said...

Kaylee, remember the pamper pole when Todd said to leave it all up there? I hope you keep doing that. Leave all the junk with Jesus, because He has such awesome plans for you. You were created for such a time as this. God Bless.

Lisa Guinn