Sunday, June 10, 2007

eastlawn umc


Anonymous said...

Sounds like tour is going well. It makes me proud to read so many blogs that talk about your music and service ministry on the tour along with seeing new sights around the country. Thought you might want to know that the Chancel Choir will be starting their rehearsal an hour late this week so that we can attend your home conert. Take Care and God Bless! Scott Hay FUMC

Anonymous said...

you guys look wonderful! i am sure you sound even better. i thought about you a lot this morning, particularly during second service, and you were definitely in all of our prayers. i'm very very proud of you, and i can't wait to meet you when you come home on wednesday!

Anonymous said...

I have heard lots of people comment on all of your blogs and how excited they are to hear how you have touched so many lives on this Tour. I am very proud of all of you. I am praying for you every day that God would continue His "Divine Appointments" as you meet so many new people along the way. Be looking for those opportunities to bless someone. I love seeing all the new pics. everyday.