Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Guest Blogger: Emily C.

Alrighty, so far tour has been a mixture of amazingness and confusion. The confusion is coming from my OCD, and not knowing what we are doing at every minute of the day. However the exictement part is greatly outweighing this minor issue of my over obsesseve need to know what is going on. Our first day was strange, trying to get comfey and settled in the vans and with each other, but it was all pretty great after we took and nap and got on the road. Monday was tough but really great for our unity and for the togetherness of our group. We went to the rope course and everyone's ego took a minor hit when we realized it wasn't nearly as easy as we all thought it was. Some people came over leaps and bounds in the way of facing their fears and others triumphed by doing something that they perceived as impossible. The encouragment being displayed was the main thing that got people through and did tons for the psyche of those who were having a particularly tough time. We were all pretty gross and tired and gosh darn stanky, yes stanky, afterwards but then we headed to Eskimo Joe's and had a good ole time chillin out in the frigid, temp wise, atmoshere. Then we went back to the, as Levi referred to it, The Sleeping Bag Church, and all went wacky from lack of sleep and exhaustion, but then hit the sack in prospects of an unearly next morning. yesterday we made our way to Cookson Hills, which is an entire blog in and of itself. All i can say was that it was AMAZING, and although initially confusinf, it was an amazing, uplifting, and altogether great experience. Today we were up bright and early, 6:30, and hit the road for Memphis where we arrived to perform at a charming old folks home, and then head to our church stay for the night. We just got done eating some very interestinf BBQ at a highly recommended joint, and then drove around observing the local culture, and another United Methodist Church van driving down a street. Well, it has been fantaulous in a word so far, and I can only expect the next 7 days to be just as great. TTYL. CIAO BELLA!


shelley said...

See what wonderful things can happen when you let God control. You go girl!

Anonymous said...

You have really been on my heart this week. I want yo to know that I am praying for you that God will do a work in you that helps you see what a priceless jewel you are to him. I know he has great plans for you in His kingdom. Let God keep rockin' your world. Love ya.

Lisa Guinn